TrialKit EDC System

Modern clinical trials require modern technology. Leverage the flexibility and speed of the cloud with TrialKit EDC.

accessing TrialKit EDC on the web and the mobile app using a smartphone and a laptop
TrialKit EDC form builder displayed on desktop screen and on iPad screen
clinician using iPad for EDC in TrialKit

Neither traditional nor hybrid clinical trials can operate on rigid electronic data capture (EDC) systems.

They require flexible data collection systems that support protocol amendments without downtime and accept mobile data without hassle. As a cloud-native solution, TrialKit EDC bends to accommodate mid-study changes. And as the first full-featured EDC platform available as a native mobile app, TrialKit EDC flexes to meet the demands of traditional, hybrid/decentralized, and completely remote clinical trials.

Give your team the freedom to build, deploy, and manage their studies, their way—weeks faster than with rigid EDCs and for a fraction of the cost of the major players.

  • TrialKit has been an incredible EDC tool and partner for CloudCath. Our company was looking for an EDC that met all regulatory standards, was easy to program and use, and would allow us to ramp up quickly. With TrialKit, I was able to set up and customize the EDC to meet our study’s needs. The platform has a user-friendly interface and intuitive features that make it incredibly easy to create, manage, and track trials. It supported source document uploads that were fundamental to the success of our studies during COVID when we relied primarily on remote monitoring.

    Head of Clinical Operations

Why TrialKit EDC System?

TrialKit EDC’s flexible, modular architecture adjusts with your protocol amendments, making it easy to add cohorts and sites, modify dosing regimens, and more. Rigid systems don’t have this functionality.

Make mid-study changes with zero downtime

No more hair-puller days spent fighting your EDC. No more time-consuming migrations. Make study modifications with the click of a button.

Multiple studies, single sign-on

Sponsors and sites have controlled access to all studies—via web or mobile app—with one sign-on.

Easy eCRFs

Move field variables anywhere on the form using drag-and-drop functionality. Create edit checks and annotated PDFs, export form data dictionaries, and more.

Reuse and repurpose forms and study builds

Save weeks off study builds by repurposing forms, variables, and conditional actions. Replicate and repurpose any study across multiple accounts from anywhere.

Secure site management

With control of 250 permissions and form access rights throughout the system, you can give sites and users only as much access as they need.

Integrated query management

Perform queries via the web or mobile app or use system-generated queries from data updated in real time. View complete audit trails to monitor study risk.

Ready to See TrialKit EDC in Action?

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