In a time with lots of hype surrounding decentralized clinical trial (DCT) solutions, let’s not lose sight of the importance of a dependable and secure electronic data capture (EDC) system. This blog post walks you through the basics to keep in mind when selecting an EDC platform for your studies.
CDS has many innovative updates in store for TrialKit in 2021. Check out this blog post for a quick glance at what’s to come to the platform in the upcoming year.
Fully-featured eClinical app, TrialKit, will soon be released on Google Play by Crucial Data Solutions, making clinical data collection and management possible on the majority of smartphones available today.
Technology provider Crucial Data Solutions, Inc. has made innovative enhancements to the reporting options included in their eClinical software.
Preclinical labs, which have typically relied heavily on spreadsheet-based data collection, are perfect candidates for electronic data capture. Read on for several ways EDC offers improvements to preclinical research.
The TrialKit platform was designed to be simple enough to learn for first time EDC users but sophisticated enough to handle late phase trials and studies with complex sets of data.
A number of contributing factors can leave research teams feeling dependent on paper-based or spreadsheet data collection and apprehensive to transition to EDC. However, this traditional method has significant downfalls to consider.
Is there a more secure way to review and approve the data that’s collected on case reports forms? In this post, we examine the value and purpose of the traditional signature used in an EDC system.
On-demand EDC has a number of industry-changing implications. In this post, we take a look at just four benefits of using true on-demand tools in clinical research.
Validation of case report forms is a necessary, but often painful, process. The IQ/OQ/PQ standard, which we explain in this post, is used by most governing bodies, including the FDA.